Factory automation project

Approaching every issue in the manufacturing industry starting from robot-based automation

Executive Officer (Senior General Manager of Factory Automation Division)Hideto Koyama

The mission of protecting the manufacturing industry from the severe social issue of the decreasing worker population

The decreasing birthrate is one major social issue in Japan, and the country is rapidly becoming a globally unprecedented society with a decreasing birthrate and an aging population. The impact of those changes has also reached Japanese industry in the form of a decreasing worker population. In particular, the shortage of engineers is becoming a major issue that is standing in the way of the manufacturing industry. The Company together with customers must also face this issue, and we established areas such as robotics and automation, which we have been working on for some time, as priority measures. Moreover, in response to the fierce global spread of COVID-19 and the growing need for automation from the perspective of infection prevention, we are promoting the enhancement of automation solutions in the "Electronics Solutions Company 2025" Medium-term Management Plan which started in 2021.

The potential of automation solutions is not only to solve the labor shortage

The company began to see that the major needs were to solve labor shortages, improve productivity, and counter the spread of the new coronavirus. As we developed and proposed a portable robot system that utilizes industrial robots and sensors, etc., our proposal was recognized for its ability to reconfigure lines with short delivery times and at low cost, and our proposal proved to be a solution that could meet many needs, including mass customization.

In recent years, variable quantity production is required at manufacturing sites due to the diversification of needs. Therefore, the construction of flexible and high productivity systems is required. In that respect, the Company's automation solutions starting with the industrial portable robots fit that requirement. In a certain survey forecast, it was estimated that the robot market for manufacturing industry in 2025 would expand by 223.4% compared to 2019, and there are great expectations both inside and outside the Company that this solution can contribute to improving quality and traceability as well as stability.

Shifting from automation solutions to total solutions through linking across business segments

Because it conceals so much potential, naturally many competitors are entering the market. However, we firmly believe that even under such circumstances we can continue to provide our own unique solutions. First, the Company has accumulated knowledge and trust over 115 years. We know who is being challenged by what issues and to what degree at manufacturing sites. Precisely because we have journeyed together with our customers as their closest partner, there are real needs that we have been able to grasp. Moreover, the fact that we have many businesses is also a strength. By linking various business segments, we are able to propose video management systems, facility management and predictive maintenance utilizing sensing technologies, productivity improvements based on operation analysis, as well as zero energy transitions for manufacturing sites which combine energy conservation and energy generation. Going forward, we will continue to enhance customer corporate value, evolve into an Electronics Solutions Company, and contribute to solving social issues through total solution proposals that do not simply stop at automation and can only be executed by KANADEN Group.

Executive Officer
(Senior General Manager of Factory Automation Division)Hideto Koyama

Joined the Company in 1989. He was assigned to the Refrigeration Division of the Osaka branch (now the Kansai District Office Building Facilities Section), where he worked for 10 years. Later, he transferred to the Machinery and Electronics Division, Third Machinery and Electronics Department (now the Factory Automation Systems, Second Department) where he remained in charge of factory automation systems. In April 2020, he was appointed Senior General Manager of the Factory Automation Division, which continues to the present time.

*Departments and positions are as of April 1, 2023

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