Our Business
Supporting customer problem-solving and development with our extensive products as well as know-how and solutions cultivated over many years
Within each business area, we create product combinations based on specialized technologies and new solutions which combine multiple technologies instead of a single business.
Through our SDG initiatives, we propose the optimal solutions which lead to an increase in corporate value for customers, and we will contribute to solving social issues.
Factory Automation Systems
We handle Factory Automation equipment including automation systems that contribute to improved quality and productivity as well as mechatronics products such as electrical-discharge and laser processing machines for micromachining applications, electrical equipment for plant facilities, and instrumentation systems, etc.
Building Facilities
In addition to uninterruptible power supply systems and solar power generation systems, we are also working on LED lighting based on energy conservation, air conditioning equipment, and residential facilities equipment as well as building management systems, energy management systems, and ZEB solutions.
Transportation business
For railway operators, we offer electric products for rolling stock, substation equipment for receiving electric power, and telecommunication equipment. We are promoting our solutions business aimed at safety and reassurance in the Transportation Division, problem-solving for railway operators, and the realization of energy conservation promotion.
Social Infrastructure business
We provide traffic safety systems, air-traffic control systems, local disaster-damage prevention systems, solar power generation systems and lithium-ion batteries that contribute to the development of social infrastructure to government offices. We strive to build systems that support secure, safe, and convenient living.
Semiconductors and Devices
We offer the optimal solutions to customers, starting with the semiconductors that are essential to industrial equipment, telecommunications equipment, and automobiles, etc. as well as electronic device products and the design and development of wireless modules which are expanding to various applications.
Video and Telecommunications business
We provide video, security systems, and other telecommunications equipment. We provide system construction utilizing images, which is expanding to AI and various other applications, as well as ICT/DX field operational improvements, and other solutions.