Action Charter

Kanaden Group
Action Charter

The Kanaden Group will engage in corporate activities in accordance with the following Action Charter.

  1. We will search for the optimum solutions with an eye toward the future society and advance our industry.

    We will identify the issues faced by customers from a medium to long-term perspective, search for optimum solutions with flexible ideas and definite knowledge, and sustainably advance the industry.

  2. We will comply with the laws and regulations and act with high ethical values.

    We will comply with the laws and regulations and, at the same time, act in accordance with social norms.

  3. We will respect the human rights of all people.

    We will respect the human rights of all people involved in the corporate activities of Kanaden Group and strive to maintain the dignity of individuals.

  4. We will respect the personality and diversity of our employees and establish a safe, free, and rewarding work environment.

    We will protect the health and safety of our employees and create a workplace environment where new ideas and businesses will be born while employees feel pride and value in their work.

  5. We will proactively act with consideration for preserving the global environment.

    We will comply with the laws and regulations related to the environment and strive to preserve the environment.

  6. We will contribute to the development of society as a good corporate citizen.

    In order to realize a better society, we will actively conduct social contribution activities. In addition, we will support the voluntary social contribution activities of our employees.

  7. We will appropriately manage and disclose information.

    We will appropriately manage information, including the personal information of the Kanaden Group and our stakeholders. We will disclose information about our corporate activities and financial activities in an appropriate and timely manner.

Kanaden Group Ethics and
Code of Conduct Policy

This Ethics and Code of Conduct Policy addresses the important matters to be complied with by all corporate officers and employees of the Kanaden Group* when conducting business operations. If you encounter a situation during your daily work where you are not sure what decision to make, please act in accordance with this Ethics and Code of Conduct Policy.

The businesses of the Kanaden Group are based on trust from our shareholders, business partners, and other stakeholders. We promise to comply with this Ethics and Code of Conduct Policy to all stakeholders involved in the business activities of the Kanaden Group. All corporate officers and employees are required to fully understand and act in accordance with the Ethics and Code of Conduct Policy.

Kanaden Corporation
President and Representative Director, Nobuyuki Motohashi

* Employees include all people who work at the Kanaden Group, including contract employees, dispatched workers, part-time workers, and employees on loan from another company.

  1. 1.Legal compliance and focus on compliance


    We will conduct faithful and fair business activities with high ethical values while remaining in compliance with the laws and regulations of Japan and overseas. In addition, we will at all times act with common sense and dignity as a member of society.

    1. We will comply with the laws, regulations, and internal rules and act responsibly in conformity with social norms.
    2. We will understand that various industrial laws apply to the construction business, telecommunications business, secondhand goods business, medical device business, and other businesses, and we will comply with these laws.
    3. We will accept construction orders only for the types of construction for which we are licensed and perform the construction work in compliance with the Construction Business Act.

  2. 2.Respect for human rights and prohibition on discrimination and harassment


    We will respect human rights, and we will not engage in any discrimination or harassment.

    1. We will not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, nationality, skin color, age, gender, beliefs, religion, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
    2. We will not engage in any forms of harassment that harm the dignity of the individuals, such as sexual harassment, power harassment, and maternity harassment.
    3. We will not engage in child labor, forced labor, or any other acts that will lead to the infringement of human rights in the supply chain.
    4. We will comply with the laws and regulations related to labor and strive to form and maintain a good workplace environment.
    5. We will not make our employees work unfairly long hours, and we will not work unfairly long hours.

  3. 3.Environmental preservation


    We will strive to realize a sustainable society through sound business activities while preserving the global environment in accordance with the environmental policy.

    1. We will comply with the laws and regulations for environmental preservation.
    2. We will strive to minimize CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions in order to inhibit global warming.
    3. We will actively promote the provision of products and services that preserve the global environment.
    4. We will give consideration to environmental preservation, such as natural ecosystems, and to the maintenance and preservation of biodiversity.

  4. 4.Securing safety and quality of our products and services


    We will comply with the laws and regulations concerning the safety of the products we handle and, at the same time, appropriately manage the safety of the products and services. In addition, we will strive to provide products and services with excellent quality.

    1. We will fully understand and comply with the laws and regulations concerning the safety of our products and services and conduct our businesses with consideration for safety at all times.
    2. If there is a concern about safety, in order to prevent the damage from spreading, we will promptly notify our business partners and at the same time strive in cooperation with our suppliers to identify the cause and prevent recurrence.
    3. We will handle products and services with quality that satisfies our customers’ expectations.

  5. 5.Proper export and import procedures


    We will comply with the laws and regulations related trade, including Security Export Controls, and customs procedures.

    1. When engaging in the trade of cargo and technology, we will comply with the relevant laws, regulations, customs procedures, and related internal rules.
    2. We will know the details of the cargo and technology and confirm the buyer, destination, and purpose of use before conducting transactions.
    3. We will appropriately obtain an export license from the competent government agency as necessary.

  6. 6.Compliance with laws such as the Antimonopoly Act


    We will not participate in cartels or bid-rigging or engage in any acts that violate the Antimonopoly Act, such as unfair trade practices. In addition, we will comply with the Subcontract Act and Construction Business Act.

    1. We will not make arrangements with other entrepreneurs on price, quantity, suppliers, and sales territories.
    2. When we tender a bid, we will not participate in collusion to predetermine the winning bidder or bid price.
    3. We will not conduct trade practices, such as abuse of superior bargaining position.
    4. For transactions to which the Subcontract Act and Construction Business Act apply, we will not delay payments to or unfairly demand discounts from subcontractors.

  7. 7.Prohibition on bribery and excessive entertainment / gifts


    We will not provide unfair benefits to public officers and equivalent persons.
    Also, we will not provide entertainment / gifts to our business partners in excess of the socially acceptable scope.

    1. We will not provide economic benefits, such as money, gifts and entertainment, to public officers in relation to their work duties either in Japan or overseas.
    2. We will not provide economic benefits, such as money, gifts and entertainment, to corporate officers and employees of our business partners in excess of the socially acceptable scope. Also, we will not accept economic benefits, such as money, gifts and entertainment, from corporate officers and the employees of our business partners in excess of the socially acceptable scope.

  8. 8.Appropriate advertising / sales promotion activities


    We will comply with the laws and regulations, such as the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations, when conducting advertising and sales promotion activities, and use socially appropriate expressions.

    1. We will pay sufficient attention to the materials distributed to our business partners in order to avoid any misunderstanding.
    2. We will not, without reasonable grounds, use expressions to convey that our products and services have excellent performance.

  9. 9.Protection of intellectual property rights


    We will not infringe the intellectual property rights possessed by others. Also, we will appropriately protect and manage the intellectual property rights possessed by our group.

    1. When it is necessary to acquire a patent right or trademark right, we will promptly file an application and perform other procedures with the aim of protecting our group’s intellectual property rights.
    2. We will not engage in any acts that infringe the intellectual property rights of others, such as illegally copying computer software or using another company’s trademarks without permission.
    3. When we use our group’s trademark, we will follow the Kanaden Brand Visual Identity Design Manual.

  10. 10.Appropriate accounting and appropriate disclosure of company information


    We will accurately and fairly process records related to the company’s accounting. Also, we will appropriately disclose company information.

    1. When conducting accounting, we will follow the internal rules, related laws and regulations, and other generally accepted corporate accounting standards. In particular, we will pay attention to the following matters:

      a. We will accurately make entries without delay based on evidential documents for each transaction.

      b. When recording profits, we will record all corresponding expenses.

      c. We will store the evidential documents in an orderly manner for the duration of the retention period.

    2. We will make accurate and fair timely disclosures of our company information in accordance with the disclosure policy, laws, regulations, and rules of stock exchange in order to protect our investors.

  11. 11.Appropriate information management


    In order to prevent information of our group and business partners from leaking, we will appropriately manage information.

    1. We will strictly manage confidential information of the company and information about our business partners, will not leak such information to third parties, and will not use such information for any purposes other than business activities. Also, even after resigning from the company, we will not leak confidential information of company that is learned while employed by the company, nor will we engage in any acts that infringe the company’s interests.
    2. We will not acquire the confidential information of our competitors and business partners by unfair means, and neither will we bring in nor use the confidential information of other companies when joining the company.
    3. In the event an accident, such as an information leak occurs or is likely to occur, we will immediately report it to the company.
    4. We will use personal information within the scope of the purpose specified to the information provider. We will not provide personal data to third parties without justifiable grounds and will handle such data in compliance with the laws and regulations related to the protection of personal information.

  12. 12.Prohibition on acts with a conflict of interest


    We will not sacrifice the interests of the company to pursue our own or a third party’s interests.

    1. We will not sacrifice the interests of the company nor act for the interests of competitors or business partners. In addition, we will not conduct a transaction with a company for personal interests or otherwise engage in an act that conflicts with the interests of the company.
    2. We will not be employed by another company without permission from the company, and we will not be appointed a director, executive officer, corporate auditor, or board member of another company.
    3. We will not use company assets for any purposes other than work duties, and we will handle equipment with care.
    4. We will appropriately use our business expenses.

  13. 13.Prohibition of insider trading


    We will not engage in any acts that violate or are suspected of violating insider trading regulations.

    1. We will not use the important undisclosed information of a company (including Kanaden Corporation as well as other companies) to purchase or sell stocks.

  14. 14.Prohibition on the provision of benefits to antisocial forces


    We will maintain a firm attitude toward antisocial forces and will not have any relationships with them.

    1. When an unfair demand is received from antisocial forces, we will not choose an easy way such as providing money to solve the issue but will maintain a firm attitude toward them.
    2. We will not conduct any transactions with antisocial forces.
    3. We will not provide any cooperation with money laundering. Also, we will pay sufficient attention to avoid being used for money laundering in transactions.

  15. 15.Timely reporting, consultations and whistleblowing


    We will not look the other way when we suspect there is something wrong.

    1. If we discover an act that violates this Code of Conduct, we will promptly report it to and consult our superior.
    2. If such an act is not corrected even after reporting and consulting our superior or if it is difficult to report or consult our superior, we will consult the management department or planning department or use the internal or external whistleblowing line.

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  3. Action Charter