A Message from the President
Transitioning to a “proactive sales” approach fully mobilizing our organizational capabilities
The industrial world is confronting various social issues, such as digitalization of society, declining workforce, environmental issues and climate change, and disruptions to the value chain from the pandemic. Under such circumstances, utilizing technology to realize efficiency and labor saving has become a major task, and the Company is expected to play a larger role in society. Our management and employees will together shift to a “proactive sales” approach to implement initiatives with a sense of urgency, which will cultivate the buds of new businesses and turn challenges into opportunities.
Achieving the “ES-C2025” Medium-term Management Plan
The “Electronics Solutions Company 2025 (ES-C2025)” Medium-term Management Plan of the KANADEN Group sets out a five-year vision to become an “Electronics Solutions Company” that can contribute to solving social issues. Under this plan, we are undertaking various transformations and endeavors, such as promoting digital transformation to optimize our past business schemes and embarking on new fields. To this end, we will proactively make business investments, including M&A as a form of strategic investment.
We will make sufficient investments in human resources and continue to increase and cultivate human resources to strengthen the management base. In addition, we will promote infrastructure development that is needed for business improvements and changing ways of working.
By implementing these initiatives, we seek to strengthen our efforts to achieve the SDGs through our businesses and aim to become an “Electronics Solutions Company” that contributes to solving social issues and realizes sustainable growth.
President (Representative Director) Nobuyuki Motohashi