Factory Automation Systems business

Factory Automation Systems Business provides Factory Automation equipment, beginning with automation systems that contribute to improved quality and efficiency on manufacturing lines, as well as mechatronics products such as electrical-discharge and laser processing machines for micromachining applications, electrical facilities for factory plant and instrumentation. By offering solutions for factory automation, monitoring and control of production facilities and so on, we work to be able to contribute to the evolution of manufacturing at our customers.


  1. Facilitate the transformation of businesses from the provision of components to solutions and consulting services by strengthening our solutions proposal capabilities.

  2. Contribute to solving customer problems and the evolution of manufacturing with accumulated manufacturing facility knowledge in addition to the utilization of new technologies, such as AI and IoT, and automation proposals.

  3. Promote and strengthen alliances with partner companies to improve responsiveness to deal with systems in Japan and overseas.

Business Strategy

In the manufacturing industry, the Factory Automation Systems segment has been encountering mounting interest in solutions for further streamlining operations and heightening added value enlisting digital transformation (DX) amid an ongoing scenario of robust demand for automation and labor-savings. As such, the KANADEN Group seeks to strengthen the segment’s consulting-focused business, which offers proposals for components aligned with the preferences of its longstanding customers, better identifies their latent issues, and proposes improvements and solutions in conjunction with optimal partner companies.
Furthermore, amid steady growth in demand overseas for automation and labor-saving solutions developed in Japan, the Factory Automation Systems segment will ramp up expansion of our business particularly in ASEAN markets enlisting collaboration with our overseas affiliated companies and local systems integrators.

Main Product

  • Factory Automation Systems

    • FA Control Components
    • FA Sensors
    • Power Distribution Control Components
  • Industrial Systems

    • System Solutions
    • Measurement Solutions
  • Industrial Mechatronics

    • Electrical Discharge Machine
    • Laser Processing Machine

Sales, Ordinary profit

  • Sales graph
  • Ordinary profit graph
  1. TOP
  2. Investor Relations
  3. Business Segments
  4. Factory Automation Systems business